Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inventory dump, capital injections and newbie realizations...

I decided that I needed more capital to trade in items with better margin and less competition. So, I sold nearly 2B in crap. Stockpiled minerals I'll never use for manufacturing, ships I haven't used (mining ships, mostly. Gah, so many wasted SP) in some time, rigs, excess...Just winter cleaning, you'd say.

Sure, I've made profit in some areas but it is taking more effort than time. I chose higher volume but lower margin items initially. It's neat seeing my wallet flash or checking my phone apps when I can't remote in from work. I'm liking seeing 9.5M profits per item instead of 115K, they still add up but theres a lot less work that way.

I need some alt accounts but that's going to have to wait for a bit. At present, I plan to keep my guy running from barle in placid to every which way in search of profits until I figure this thing out or biomass myself out of frustration.

Edit: Forgot the entire point of the post. Switching tactics made a huge difference: 31M today (and counting) versus 9M on average in the past several days.

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