I'm still terrible at Eve but PI is ok passive cash but stupidly click intensive. Some have multiple alts doing this and claiming at least a billion+ in income.
Setting up in hi-sec and expecting decent return was idiocy. I set up three planets and called it over and done within a couple of hours. I found a null system that had 5 planets I could expect decent return from and will keep monitoring. I may even jump into a hole after training some scanning skills.
It looks like I chose a less than great 'hotspot' for a couple planets, as I'm pulling in 14k per cycle of one mat, routing it to storage at each end and routing to basic factories and an advanced at the end. The other mat indicates 12k at the ECU but pulls ~7K in reality, resulting in lowered productivity as there aren't enough to keep pace.
I'm almost keen on trading again soon in the future. I've started to make more headway at work and instead of afk-ing and passively paying attention to contracts, I can devote more time to trading and production endeavors.